It is no surprise that schools are the centerpieces for most of our communities in Iowa. Our youth spend at least 7-8 hours a day at school and that is not even including before/after school programs, student organizations or athletics! And on top of all the time youth are spending at school, most parents spend a decent amount of time after work at school supporting their kids in athletics, PTO, drama programs, etc.
There is a ripple effect; when a school environment changes, our youth adapt; eventually the youth begin to adopt these environmental changes as new, healthy habits; these habits are eventually brought into the home, ultimately changing the home environment. They really aren’t joking when they say kids change your life!
Whether you have kids or not you can still help make changes in your community’s school! There is a great resource, School Wellness Community Guide that has been put out by Team Nutrition Iowa that would be a very valuable resource for your community and school! Topics such as concession stands, family fun nights and joint use agreements are included in this guide.
Just remember, it takes “a village to raise a child.” That village goes beyond the school; our schools do a lot to raise healthy, smart, well-rounded children but they need some help and support from their community as well!